Cup Holders & Drink Holders for Power Sports
About the Butler Extreme Mug Holder
Mike and Rita Vine own and operate Glass Act, manufacturer of the Butler Extreme Mug Holder, a system better than any other cup holders or drink holders on the market.
The Butler Mug Holding System was developed in the early 90’s by Glass Act, a Texas company that specializes in precision machining work. The objective was to develop cup holders or drink holders for the power sports industry that actually worked.
There were two design criteria. The first was functional. The cup holders or drink holders had to be nearly indestructible and not let the beverage container bounce out of the holding device when rough conditions were encountered, as so often is the case on power sports vehicles.
The second criteria was ease of use. The cup holders or drink holders had to meet the first criteria of stability, but also had to allow easy use of the beverage container while the vehicle was in motion.
The result was the development of the patented Butler Compression Ring. The ring holds a tapered mug at a point near the center of gravity. When vibration occurs due to rough conditions or simply the running of a power sports vehicle, gravity pulls the mug down in the ring. As the tapered mug lowers, the ring is expanded causing a wedging effect on the mug. This simulates the user holding on to the mug, in rough conditions, to prevent its loss.
But, in the Butler’s case, the device does it for the user, thus allowing the user to keep both hands on the vehicle, substantially increasing the safety of the event. When the rough conditions subside, the mug is squeezed upward, back to a position of equilibrium depending on the weight of the mug and fluid at that time. This even happens with a mug that is empty.
The various types of bracketing available for the Butler exist only to provide mounting capability for the different types of vehicles that would be considered for using the device. The bracketing has to be strong enough so that the wedging effect of the ring is preserved and still allow for the easy use of the mug. Motorcycles, ATVs, RTVs, Boats, Trucks, Tractors, Trains, Planes, Road Working, and Farm vehicles have all used this system successfully.
The Extreme Mug Holding System
Order your Butler through our online factory store today and we will get it shipped out to you right away. If you have any questions or prefer to order over the phone, give us a call.
Manufacturer of the
Butler Mug Holding System
336 County Rd. 3795
Lampasas, TX 76550
(281) 851-8627 (Phone)